Hello, ABQ studio owners and kind scrollersby! 

I am thrilled to offer Chakra Jump FUNdamentals workshops and trainings NOW and throughout 2024. 

Introducing Chakra Jump

In this <7-minute video our cofounder, Aminah Teachout, introduces the Chakra Jump and some of its Classic Affirmations.  >>WATCH NOW

About Chakra Week

More details about 2024 schedule of events coming soon!

More videos coming soon!

Did you know Jump Circles are working hard to create content that can help our movement grow?  Whether you are a parent, yoga studio owner or school administrator - we want to partner with you and plug you into a Jump Circle that uplifts you and your community.  

We launched a social media account this year because  We want to connect communities everywhere (🌎🌍🌏) with Chakra Jump to teach mindbody awareness and elevate mindbody fitness for all ages.   

Will you join us?  @chakrajump
Our goal is 2,024 followers by 2024 and we need your help.  

Let's #playforwellness !